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Halogenated (Cl & Br) containing compounds search in LC-hrMS

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MeHaloCoA is an open source R package that fasten the detection of Cl or Br containing compounds in LC-hrMS data by using their distinct isotopic profile and their mass defect.

 Boss says: "Finding Cl or Br containing compounds in  LC-MS data is simple you can see it on the PC screen"

  Finding Cl or Br containing compounds in LC-MS data is not that "simple". I do agree any undergrad student can recognize by eye the distinct isotopic profile of Cl or Br containing compounds. But making that annotation manually is time consuming and prone to errors (e.g missing of small intensity ions). MeHaloCoA simplifies the process of manual annotation providing a higher-quality peak list in less time.

Download the latest version

Download MeHaloCoA

Installation under R
From source file dowloaded here
install.packages("yguitton-MeHaloCoA-XXXXXX.tar.gz", type="source", repos=NULL)
or from github

MeHaloCoA was created by members of the ThalassOMICS core facility at the University of Nantes. The project is funded by Région Pays de la Loire

Key Features

MeHaloCoA is available as an R package. It is also designed to work inside a Graphical User Interface (see screen shot). A Galaxy implementation is also available in the metabolomics toolshed


*Include all xcms preprocessing

Tests data
Here you can find LC-hrMS data for testing.

A sample LC-hrMS file is available in the R package


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